
Training on Transcriptome Sequencing and Analysis

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Event Details

Training Theme

  • Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) is a recent technological revolution in life science that transformed our understanding of life’s genome landscape
  • Present training helps to get a deeper understanding in NGS technology with a special focus on RNA world and Transcriptome analysis 
  • Teach the fundamentals of NGS workflow from sample preparation to sequencing to analysis to manuscript writing and patent application 
  • Globally huge demand and opportunities in genomics research and industry 

Jointly organized by: The Institute of Trans-disciplinary Health Sciences & Technology (TDU) Bengaluru Genomics Centre (BGC)

Program Directors

  • Training and capitalizing human resources to carry out NGS and transcriptome analysis
  • Carry out high throughput research using genomic tools to foster transdisciplinary dialogues in functional genomics 

Target Audience

Students, faculty and scientists from academia and industry. In addition to Life Sciences, Computer Science, Medicine, Agriculture/​Environment Science etc. are encouraged to participate in this event.

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